We don’t have Cupid’s arrows, but we do have this bundle that’s sure to make anyone fall in love and save you up to £110 (that’s 4 pieces for only £120, inclusive of 2 whole freebies and free shipping as our personal valentines gift to you) 💖
You'll need to add ${bundle_step.limits.min_quantity}-${bundle_step.limits.max_quantity} products in "STEP ${index+1}: ${bundle_step.name}".You'll need to add ${bundle_step.limits.max_quantity} products in "STEP ${index+1}: ${bundle_step.name}".You'll need to add ${bundle_step.limits.min_quantity}-${bundle_step.limits.max_quantity} products.You'll need to add ${bundle_step.limits.max_quantity} products.
Great choice! Next step >
${ steps_configs[current_step].keyword }
(${ current_step_quantity_tips }) ${ steps_configs[current_step].keyword }
to continue
to finish
You'll need to add ${current_step_quantity_tips} products.
You’re done! See your final bundle >
There are currently (${cart_items_quantity}) items in your bundle.
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